(please also see the companion page, Optimally Concise Summary of the Word Cipher)
The below is a Word Cloud entitled, THE SONNETS Words.
(Subconscious mind)
(Conscious mind)
Key Word | Occurrence |
love | 1962 |
king | 1660 |
knight | 1280 |
fair | 1097 |
honour | 1060 |
master | 1000 |
horse | 999 |
blood | 968 |
death | 958 |
night | 821 |
noble | 817 |
prince | 780 |
son | 779 |
whatzit | 733 |
nothing | 644 |
queen | 607 |
wife | 551 |
bear | 540 |
daughter | 538 |
nature | 532 |
hour | 517 |
loyalty | 515 |
tongue | 512 |
power | 481 |
sword | 478 |
court | 460 |
law | 438 |
crown | 407 |
war | 401 |
marriage | 389 |
kiss | 321 |
beauty | 268 |
murder | 252 |
stain | 218 |
dream | 216 |
justice | 209 |
warrant | 209 |
drum | 175 |
passion | 158 |
flower | 156 |
guilt | 134 |
smile | 128 |
bastard | 126 |
drown | 113 |
jealous | 94 |
throne | 88 |
francis | 48 |
virginity | 28 |
maidenhead | 20 |
incest | 12 |
bacon | 5 |
Selecting and clicking on any of the words delivers a page of word occurrence data on how often the word is used within the 1623 First Folio of Mr. William Shakespeare, broken down by individual Worke (that is, which of the 36 Plays). The more frequent the occurrence overall, the larger the text. The colors are currently just for decoration and setting the proper mood.
It’s like a Rorschach inkblot test for the mysterious author of the Shakespearean plays. While I am not a Psychiatrist, using this method, I don’t need to be. Here is laid bare the innermost thoughts and feelings of the Author.
Viewing this, the Subconscious Mind of the reader (everyone’s Oppressed Majority) reacts in a moment, before their Conscious mind even gets started with understanding what it’s looking at.
But the existence of the table of word-occurrence data above correctly hints that the ultimate purpose of this page has to do with some heady “quantifiables” in due course, and very likely they will be more to the liking of the Conscious mind. But first let’s start with the Subconscious view of the First Folio, as visually abstracted above.

The word-occurance cloud reflects the tormented inner world of the author, Sir Francis Bacon: a sensitive, passionate man whose lifetime karma had largely been dominated by Women; and with the coarse, instinctual, irresistible base reproductive urges of Men, obsessing on multigenerational Progeny.
He identifies with being a member of the Nobility, and he harbors never-ending bitterness over his birthright having being denied him for some reason.
He is particularly wracked with guilt over his involvement (though unintended) in the death of his beloved younger brother.
He deeply fears the wrath of his powerful and vindictive mother.
He was a child prodigy with Languages, in a culture which highly valued Language Skills.
One of his stratagems for winning his mother’s love is by using his matchless verbal abilities to create uniquely ingenious word-gifts just-for-her.
As a young man, when he asked for permission to marry the woman he would forever remember as having been the Love of His Life, his mother refused.
Sigmund Freud’s last years were spent in England, and he became engrossed in the Works like so many others. He wondered why three themes dominated:
- Bloody Murder
- Sexual Depravity
- Ungovernable Lust for Power
The Baconian theory of Shakespeare authorship explains it all: within the palaces of the Royals, it’s only what was routinely happening in real life, but the suppressed secrets needed to remain well-hidden, lest the lives of the truth-tellers become “forfeit”.
The Gutenberg Project is the source for the plain-text scripts of the First Folio plays which are the center of attention of the New Gorhambury project as a whole.
Sublime Text existing app which highlights Word Clusters uncannily well, off-the-shelf, without doing any custom program development at all.

The scanty documentation available about Lord Bacon’s Word Cipher (which he said, repeatedly, was superior to the Binary Code, also of his invention) makes it clear that central to understanding How The Word Cipher Works is the concept of Word Clusters.
This Page is Unfinished.
Our Experiment Eleven is apparently the only public publication of an attempt to reverse-engineer How the Word Cipher Works. If we succeed, we will be the first in 400 years to describe this in detail. Then we could fully evaluate, of what value was is the Word Cipher, anyway? What would be the potential for commercial applications, for example?
Scholars joke that the three R’s of rhetoric are repetition, repetition and repetition. An orator’s success in part depends on an auditor’s ability to understand and remember what the orator said. That is enhanced if an orator adheres to the old adage, “Tell them what you’re you’re going to say, say it, and then tell them what you said.” From this principle, a plethora of rhetorical devices evolved rooted in the art of repetition.
But why is it necessary to try to laugh it off?

Copyright © 2023 New Gorhambury

The Tudor Rose
Respectfully dedicated to A. Phoenix, whoever you are
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