Why is no facsimile available of the first edition of the most influential book in World History? Workes / FB-Decipherer Why is no facsimile available of the first edition of the most influential book in World History? Read More »
Which page from the 1623 First Folio incomprehensively decodes from typical Elizabethan English into flawless Modern-day English? Workes / FB-Decipherer Which page from the 1623 First Folio incomprehensively decodes from typical Elizabethan English into flawless Modern-day English? Read More »
Sir Francis Bacon not only invented the Binary Code, he was also the first to envision what we now call Telecommunications. Is there evidence that he built a working prototype? Workes / FB-Decipherer Sir Francis Bacon not only invented the Binary Code, he was also the first to envision what we now call Telecommunications. Is there evidence that he built a working prototype? Read More »